Secure payment

Our secure payment

We have several types of payment on our website:

Note that our site is currently in https, which means that our site has a secure connection preventing a third party from intercepting information and exchanges with our site. Our site has an SSL connection and an SSL certificate which can be verified with the green padlock available in the address bar of our site.

Pay by credit card

You can pay by credit card: CB, VISA, MASTERCARD directly redirected to the Paypal platform. 100% secure payment made on the bank's platform, you will be redirected from our site to register your bank information.

You can check the presence of the padlock present in your address bar, proof of the security of your payment, on note site and that of note bank.


You can pay for your purchases on the Paypal platform, which is one of the most secure platforms on the Internet.
During the purchase process, you are redirected directly to the Paypal site, where you have the choice of paying with a paypal account, or directly by credit card, Visa, mastercard, ... (bottom left on the redirect from paypal).

Payment accepted:
Bank cards: card

Account: Paypal payment

You will then be redirected to our site.

You will find all the information on Paypal directly on their site:

Wire Transfer :

You can pay for your purchases by bank transfer, the processing is longer because we only process your order after receipt of your payment. You will be kept informed by email when your payment is received and the order is sent.

Due to non-payment, we no longer accept payment by check, payment by bank transfer is much safer for you and for us.

Notification of payment by email:

In all ordering processes, accepting payment and sending your order, an e-mail will be sent to you, and your order status will be updated on your personal account, which can be consulted once registered on our site. If you do not receive notification of payment or processing of your order, please contact us, your email address may have been incorrectly entered.

No bank details are recorded by our site.

In all cases of payment we have no credit card information about you. Payments are made on the respective platforms of our bank as well as Paypal, we can proceed to a possible refund of your order, but we do not have your card numbers.